With New Zealand in the midst of its first Covid-19 lockdown, Picture Talk was commissioned to produce a series of promotional videos for award winning forensic software developers STRmix, a division of Crown Research Institute ESR. First of the block was an introductory video to explain the new DNA profile analysis software FaSTR. https://www.strmix.com/fastr/
NZ Rugby League

New Zealand Rugby League in conjunction with ACC required new videos as part of their new `LeagueSmart' training initiative. The two videos one for referees and one for coaches where filmed on a hot day at the NZRL home grounds in Greenlane Auckland.

The first in a series of Luxaflex online web videos designed as part of a great campaign developed by agency Procreation. Another display of great lighting from cinematographer Richard Parsonson shooting on the SONY F5 and using a brilliant Arrimax M8 to create some additional sunshine. To watch the video click here: http://www.luxaflex.co.nz/products/venetians/woodmates-venetians?gclid=CMrfloOzn9ACFYNjvAodVPMFmg